Anxiety Help to Overcome Worry

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Anxiety help may be necessary if you suffer from chronic bouts of worry. Perhaps you have been through a recent crisis or loss and wonder how you will manage. Or maybe you have had a pattern of worrying for a long time.

Do you wish you could stop the thoughts that bring on anxiety?

Anxiety (Scrabble tiles)

Anxiety and worry are a normal part of life

Some anxiety can be helpful when it leads to effective problem solving or preparation for the future. Physical symptoms of fear and anxiety can produce an adrenaline boost that helps you confront real danger or handle a difficult situation, such as protecting your family or meeting a deadline.

Stress leads to anxiety

The stresses of life such as a major loss or change, conflict with family members or your boss, credit card debt, unexpected car repairs or doctor bills, or a family crisis can all create anxiety.

Anxiety may come while we are trying to find a solution. We worry about what will happen if we can't pay the bills, or how we will cope with change in our lives. What will we do if we can't make peace with family members, or if something else bad happens? To some extent these types of thoughts go through everyone's mind to a greater or lesser degree on a daily basis, especially in times of stress.

Sometimes when we worry we think we are working on the problem.  The reality is the problem is moving in circles in our mind and getting bigger than what we believe our resources are to handle it.

What can you do to decrease anxiety?

Anxiety Help Strategies

  1. Meditate on Scripture or positive affirmations.
  2. Listen to soothing music.
  3. Talk to a friend, loved one or counselor about your problems.
  4. Set aside 15 minutes in the morning and also in the evening for a dedicated worry time. If worries surfaces at other times, jot them down on a piece of paper or notebook and deal with them during the allotted time periods.
  5. Live in the present. Don't borrow sorrow from tomorrow and don't live in the "what ifs" of the past or future.
  6. Create an action plan to lessen your anxiety.
  7. Learn to manage conflict in relationships.
  8. Address guilt, grief or regrets in your life.
  9. Replace worry with prayer.
  10. Journal about your feelings and situations in life.
  11. Work with a counselor to resolve grief or past traumas that may be triggering anxiety.
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