Emptiness beneath the Clouds...

by deann

I walk alone, hidden words and muffled voice, my heart solid and aching for peace. You were, you are my teacher, my comrade, my solstice, my sphere. Why did this disease call for you, your tiny frame, your unspoken word, the sadness in your eyes, you tried so hard,the barrage of unjust,inside I am calling for you, looking up at the clouds, my life is not the same and I want you back dad more than you can ever know, I will walk on this earth with you by my side, my guiding light and my direction to turn me right, I know you are there when all else fails, I shall stand true and just, as you were virtuous and honorable to all. I am so grateful to have known you and to have had you as my dad, I love you and miss you my hero my friend............

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Oct 28, 2015
Thanks for sharing
by: Anonymous

Thanks for sharing this information, exactly what most of people would love to read about . Thanks again.

Sep 03, 2015
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by: Anonymous

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Sep 03, 2015
Gym Mats
by: Anonymous

I am a regular reader of this blog. You have shared useful information here regarding different psychological disorders.

Sep 02, 2015
Great post
by: mike

I have read the post,you have used very nice words,it is an example of literature.I like reading it.

Jul 20, 2015
Thanks for sharing
by: Debbra

Deann, what a moving tribute to your dad. Thank you for sharing!

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